Acting to protect the ocean – the ”Immersed In Change” Summit [fr]
On the occasion of World Oceans Day, the UN has asked all actors in our societies to “Awaken New Depths” for the protection and preservation of the ocean, and that is exactly the purpose of the “Immersed in Change” Summit to be held in Costa Rica on 7 and 8 June.
In preparation for the Third UN Ocean Conference (UNOC) in Nice in June 2025 to be co-organized by France and Costa Rica, this Summit in San José (Costa Rica) on 7 and 8 June 2024 will convene political leaders, members of civil society, the scientific community and the private sector to discuss best ocean governance practices.
The ocean, which covers 71% of the Earth’s surface, is a complex ecosystem which plays a vital role for life our planet. It is currently subject to strong and growing pressures (e.g. pollution, destruction of habitats and loss of biodiversity, depletion of fish stocks, climate change). This pressure is undermining its role in regulating our climate, its economic contribution and, as a result, our collective security.
To respond to these issues, the “Immersed In Change” Summit, organized by Costa Rica, will be a space to exchange good practices and experiences on topics related to the governance and health of the ocean. France will be represented by Hervé Berville, Minister of State for Marine Affairs and Biodiversity. He will unveil the shared vision of France, Costa Rica and the United Nations for UNOC3, which will be based on three major priorities:
- speed up political mobilization and international processes linked to oceans,
- mobilize financing for oceans and
- strengthen and better disseminate scientific knowledge.
France is driving forward exceptional political and diplomatic action to protect oceans, which will include, in particular, the adoption of the Nice Ocean Agreements.
To ensure the best possible preparation for this meeting, on 3-6 June 2024, the National University of Costa Rica, along with other public universities in the country, is organizing a scientific congress, the Congress of Integration of Knowledge for a Sustainable Ocean, CISOS24. Researchers from all over the world will attend, including a delegation of 25 researchers and representatives from French universities and research centres. The new measurement instrument for the governance and health of the ocean, the International Panel for Ocean Sustainability (IPOS), will be presented. This Congress will be a forerunner and build-up to the One Ocean Science Congress which will open the UNOC in Nice.