Other Institutions

  • French Development Agency (AFD)

    AFD Group in Eastern Africa
    Founded in 1941, the Agence Française de Développement group has been funding, supporting and accelerating the transitions towards a fairer and more sustainable world.
    Through a (...)

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  • Business France in Kenya

    Business France is the French national agency supporting the international development of the French economy.
    Founded on 1st January 2015, Business France is the result of the merger between UBIFRANCE (the French (...)

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  • French Institute of Research for sustainable Development(IRD)

    The IRD (Institut de recherche pour le développement) is a French research organisation, original and unique on the European development research scene. Emphasizing interdisciplinarity, the IRD has focused its (...)

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  • Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD)

    Cirad (Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement)
    Cirad is a French public institution specialized in applied agricultural research in tropical regions. It operates in more (...)

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  • The French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA)

    The French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA) in Nairobi is one among 27 French foreign research institutes around the world (4 of which are in Africa) financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Centre (...)

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  • The French Chamber of Commerce

    The French Chamber of Commerce in Kenya is dedicated to helping French companies and entrepreneurs set up in Kenya in their development project and to promoting exchanges related to business opportunities between (...)

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  • Business France in Kenya

    The national agency supporting the international development of the French economy

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  • Attractiveness recognized, French innovation acclaimed!

    The “France Attractiveness Survey” published by EY today records the international investments made in Europe each year and analyzes the perception that foreign economic decision-makers have of our country; as such, it measures real and perceived attractiveness compared with France’s leading competitors.

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  • The Alliance Française in Kenya

    The Alliance Française is a language and cultural relations organization. It was created in 1883 in Paris by renowned humanists, including Louis Pasteur (...)

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  • Lycée Denis Diderot, The French school in Kenya

    Belonging to a unique system in the world (with 410 schools accredited by the French Ministry of Education) the French School in Nairobi, located in Kilimani accomodates over 670 students each year from 40 (...)

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